Adjustable Switching Relay (IO/ARM) £28.00
Standard ACO Window Positioning Unit (TPRS/ACO) £89.00 – £589.00
BACnet Natural Ventilation Controller with 24V DC Drive Control (NVC-1204) £180.00
BACnet Natural Ventilation Controller (CCM-204/NV) £180.00
Field Programming Tool (FPT-601) £135.00
Smart IO Commissioning Kit (IO-COMKIT) £19.00
AC to DC Converter (T24AC/DC/CG) £39.00
2 Stage Relay Control (IO/2RM) £40.00
Remote Alarm Panel (RMP/24) £62.00
Power Supplies £53.00
Rain Detector Sensor (TPRD1) £29.00 – £85.00
3 Stage Relay Control (IO/RM3) £45.00
Output Module (IO/AX4.1S) £77.00
Output Module (IO/AX4.1) £77.00